Board Recruitment

The Board is only as knowledgeable, efficient and effective as its board members.Board recruitment is about more than just filling slots. It is about finding leaders who have skill sets and perspectives that align with the organization’s strategies, goals, and needs — not just now, but into the future. And it’s not just about recruiting one great individual, but assembling a group of people who work well together and have the right mix of skills and passion.


Making sure you always have great board member candidates in the pipeline requires effort and thought. Japheth Katto Consult has overtime built a network of competent candidates capable of serving on boards and has a reputation of successfully facilitating the recruitment of the best.


Among others we look at;


  1. Skills
  2. Personal attribute
  3. Industrial trends
  4. Organisational culture and values
  5. Expectations from stakeholders
  6. Diversity
  7. Candidate expectations